Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Application for Media and Laboratory Reagents Management with QR Code Feature

  • Fira Kuswandari Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 3
  • Rahmi Susanti Department of Medical Technology Laboratory, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta III, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Michael Alfian Grey Department of Medical Technology Laboratory, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta III, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dewi Inderiati Department of Medical Technology Laboratory, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta III, Jakarta, Indonesia


Planning needs, purchasing, determining the availability of practical materials, and keeping an eye on the state of the actual or real amount are the first steps in practical material management operations. This task is completed to ensure the accuracy of the bookkeeping records in order to reduce variations in inventory levels. The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology still uses a manual approach to record the inventory of practice materials. Handwriting is still used in the stock book for traditional procedures including the process of counting arriving and exiting products and calculating physical inventory items. The goal of the study is to manage media practice materials and QR Code-based laboratory reagents as efficiently as possible. This procedure consists of a set of stock-taking tasks that are frequently seen in laboratories. Inventories for laboratory equipment are managed using an inventory information system called The system's use demonstrates the efficiency and precision with which data on laboratory equipment is recorded in order for the leadership to make decisions regarding the proper quantity of teaching and learning aids to be purchased. Users can more easily conduct stock-taking activities for media and reagent practicum materials thanks to research findings that were used to develop a website-based information system for managing those materials at The unique feature of this system is the direct smartphone connection of the notification, which makes it simpler for users to keep track of inventory flow.

Nov 18, 2023
How to Cite
KUSWANDARI, Fira et al. Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Application for Media and Laboratory Reagents Management with QR Code Feature. Jurnal Teknokes, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 3, p. 178-184, nov. 2023. ISSN 2407-8964. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
Health Information System